Wednesday, March 12, 2014


I loved this movie. For one, Holocaust movies really capture my attention to begin with, but this took it to another level. The story of course was amazing, but the actors really put this movie above others. I loved Daniel Craig who played the role of Tuvia. I liked that he had a romantic side to him, but was so strong and a good fighter. I did make me upset that he left to fight not alongside his brother for a while, but when he came back to help them it made the movie. Another thing I enjoyed was the bonds you could see and feel between all of the people. The scene where all of them didn't know what to do when they got to the river also captured my attention. You could see on all of the characters face how scared they were, but they put that aside to get across the river and live. Working together and helping  people you might not even know was what they did to survive.

I think that the statement, "our revenge is to live" meant that the best revenge that the Jews could have on the Germans was to escape them and have a life somewhere else. To even survive made the Germans mad. Usually getting revenge on someone is trying to hurt them or bring them down in some way, but all that the Jews had to do to get revenge on the Germans was to survive. I do believe that humanity and revenge can coexist and in fact, they have to. I remember reading somewhere that, "A thirst for vengeance is nothing if not timeless." Revenge is something that everyone wants when they are wronged. I don't think the desire to hurt someone who hurt you will ever go away in our society.