Thursday, January 23, 2014

My Introduction

A word that best describes me would be responsible. Whether it's my grades or other activities outside of school, I think responsibility it an import quality. When I comes to grades, it's no ones responsibility other than our own to do well in school and keep up our grades. My interests range from my volunteer work to doing yoga every day after school. I volunteer at a program called Share What You Wear and work a few hours a week to help collect clothing for inner city children in the Cleveland area. My goals are to succeed in school and attend a good college. I like that in school we have opportunities to take different electives that other schools don't have including History Through Film and Photography. I dislike how we all feel like we live in this "Orange Bubble" and have no idea what things outside of it are like. I also dislike how we have to take mandatory classes that we have no interest in and that now as seniors we have to take six classes. The qualities of my favorite teacher include someone who makes teaching fun and interesting so that I will actually enjoy the class, and not someone who just tells us to read then write an essay. My interest in history is not particularly high, but I wouldn't consider it a class that I hate.

I am disappointed in humanity as of right now because whenever I turn on the news all I see is another school shooting. The fact that my parents are always talking about how this would never have happened when they were in high school makes me think about how and why things took a turn for the worst. No one seems like they have learned from previous mistakes and more and more keep happening. Some of the same problems that we are facing today just seems like a cycle that keeps repeating itself. Additionally, kids are now being taught that violence is the answer to everything at a young age. Violence is everywhere, on the internet, books, video games and TV shows and it's becoming harder to avoid. No one is thinking about the impact this is having on the children watching these things and the long term impacts they could leave. Media violence leaves a devastating impact that teaches kids that aggression will get you what you want. 

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