Sunday, April 20, 2014

Apollo 13

I really liked this movie. Personally, I think going to the moon would be the most terrifying trip in the world, even out of the world. There are so many things that could go wrong as shown in the movie. I never understood if even stepping foot on the moon would be worth the risk of getting there and returning in one piece. Yet, the actors in this movie showed the fascination people have with space and the moon. People dream of being astronauts and going up into space to step foot on the moon and this movie showed why. As terrifying as it was, it kept me on edge even. Knowing that these astronauts had a huge chance of dying and only a slight chance of making it back was scary. Overall, I thought it was a great, informative, and powerful movie. 
I believe the funding should continue for NASA. The is an endless amount to discover about space and the universe we live in. We are only a tiny speck on the huge canvas. The more we discover about the universe we live in, the better.

I feel like the journey to get there is so incredibly dangerous that until we have a way to ensure there will be no deaths or danger getting up there, then we shouldn't go. I also think the racing other countries to get there is incredibly dangerous. When you rush and race, that is when people make life threatening mistakes. 

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