Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The Pianist

This movie was very hard to watch for me. Not because it was bad or boring, but because it was so emotional and real. It was filled with many scenes that were almost to hard to watch. Movies about the Holocaust are always hitting home for me because I have family that have survived and lived through it. Hearing horrible stories about what they had to go through is hard, but watching it and seeing what it was like is even harder.

I think that what  Hosenfeld saw in Szpilman was the courage to survive. Among the hundreds that were killed every day he was still alive and maybe he admired that about him. Once Hosenfeld heard him play, I believe he knew right then and there that this man shouldn't be killed or taken. The music transformed him when he heard something so beautiful being played in the middle of destruction. Also, Szpilman must have realized that if Hosenfeld hadn't killed him already then he was not going to. He did not have any other options than to trust him.

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