Friday, February 21, 2014


This was one of my favorite movies in and outside of class. The movie kept me on my toes and was very inspirational and moving. It really gave you a glimpse into what it was like back then and especially how hard it was for Jackie to be the first African American in major league baseball. The movie actually made me very emotional and I felt connected with a lot of the characters. Also remembering that this is not some made up story, it's a real life historical event made everything that much more powerful.

I believe Jackie had a huge impact on this country by inspiring so many people through his bravery. He inspired many other young black athletes who never believed they could make it into the big leagues. His impact is everlasting and he will never be forgotten. Jackie Robinson day on April 15th every year helps to remember and forever honor him.

I strongly believe in determination. Determination drives you towards your goals and keeps you going on the path even when it might get hard. Remembering that you have to work to get to your goal, and not just getting something easy, makes everything that much more rewarding when you finally reach your goals.

I think the quote that Jackie said, ""A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives." means that an individuals life is not going to matter unless you make an impact on someone else's. Making an impact on someone else or even thousands of people as Jackie did, can change the world. Jackie's live made an impact on so many other peoples, and that is why he is remembered. I agree with Jackie because the only way to make an impact, is to effect someone else.


  1. I agree with everything you are saying about 42. What she said about giving you a glimpse into what life was like back then and how hard it was for Jackie Robinson is a great way of describing the main point of watching the movie and the story behind it. I loved the way you described everything and this is a great post!!- Well done!

  2. I totally agree with everything you're saying about 42! What you said about the quote is exactly what I thought. I also agree with the huge impact Jackie had on the country. He was the first of many black men in the game of baseball and changed the world. This event was a HUGE stepping stone for the nation and how we act towards other people.

  3. I agree with Dakota's ideas involving determination because I feel that if anyone is determined, they can achieve whatever they set their mind to. This has been an idea that I have followed my whole life. If Jackie Robinson was not determined and dedicated to reach his goal, he would not have been able to do what he did and change America.

  4. I agree with Dakota on the sense of determination. I think that people can do whatever they want in life if they work hard and believe in themselves. I think so many people believe that they can do what they want because they are entitled and do not have to work hard, but the people who believe in themselves and put the work in are the ones who will go far in life.

  5. I agree that this is the best movie shown so far, it shows a lot of incite that the people of our generation cannot quite get just from listening in history class, or people just talking about it. Seeing it and the actions taken around it is much more impacting.
